Setting up my first blog WordPress Theme is proving a challenge. I figure I’ll be going through all the emotions during this course. We have our designed mockups to start this project off. You would think that would make building this site a breeze. In fact it is a breeze when you are coding a site outside of WordPress’s CMS. But WordPress is completely new to me and with each addition there is something new to figure out. I’m more and more grateful for all the documentation available online. For my next trick, adding placeholder text to my form elements such as my search form… On my search for the search form I made a great discovery that sent my frustrated frown upside-down. I found this question and answer post on’s support page which led me to this page in the WordPress Codex. Both describe a page called searchform.php that we can add to the theme folder in order to change the form. If you don’t have this included in your Theme, WP will render its built in search form. By creating my own form, I was able to add in placeholder text easily. Dont’ foget to style the placeholder text too, here’s how I did it with help from Chris Coyier at CSS Tricks.