The Market

Who and where is the market?

The market is characterized by three sizes of breweries: large, mid-sized and microbreweries. All sizes brew varities of beer including craft beers. The beer produced can range from 3% to 14% alcohol by volume. The majority of beer sold falls into the middle of this rage, 4-6%. Beer can be categorised as Traditional, Craft or Microbrewed and can be segmented even further in to Light Beers, Premium Beers, Imported Beers, Popular Beers, Crafted Beers, Specialty Beers, Superpremium Beers, Malt Liquors, Malternatives, Ice Beers and Low/Non-Alcoholic Beers.

The most common types of beer consumed today are bitters, ales and stouts. The most  recent attitudes are that beer is interesting and trendy. Popular characteristics the market is turning toward are local breweries, craft beers and innovative tastes. Health conscious consumers and drinkers who suffer from gluten allergies or follow new diet fads are asking for alternatives to wheat, barely and rye-based production.

Consumers mainly purchase beer from pubs, bars and supermarkets. About half of beer in Britain is sold in pubs. Seven out of every ten drinks sold in the pub is a beer. Beer demand is increasing alongside rising incomes in developing countries.

Past IMC appeals

Historical IMC appeals by GUINNESS have concentrated on historical and heritage based themes. Arthur’s Day was somewhat successful, but ultimately dubbed a marketing ploy by many, and eventually cancelled.

Who are our customers?

Consumers are generally looking for a tasty, simple beer at a reasonable price. The customers for GUINNESS have mainly been men, and the stout is still perceived by many as a beer for older people. There is a push to market the product more to women and young adults.

The product is generally loved for its Irish heritage. It has strong ties with the Irish holiday, St Patrick’s Day, which is celebrated world-wide. Loyalty to Arthur Guinness is celebrated in September on “Arthur’s Day”, even after the cancellation of the official event. The product is loved for it’s creamy nature and luxurious colouring. Both nostalgic and modern Ad campaigns have increased brand love and loyalty across the globe.